Hermit's Curse

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Room Escape Warszawa - Varsovie
Rated 0 stars out of 5
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1 test

You're going on a Holiday to an exotic Africa. However your plane unexpectedly experiences a breakdown and has to land somewhere in the middle of wilderness. The equipment is completely unusable so you decide to get going in search of rescue. After a long walk through desert you reach a small oasis in the midst of which there is a primitive wooden hut. With a hope for rescue you quickly run into a hut but as you only entered the hut, the door locks down with a rumble. You got stuck in a hideout of an old hermit who as you can see does not like unwelcomed guests. Fortunately the host is not at home but the notes you manage to read says that the hut is cursed. Everyone who remain in after 60 minutes will be chained to that place forever..

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Journal de Deux Fuyards
323 salles testées
Les points positifs
- Peu d'électronique, mais beaucoup de manipulations qui demanderont de l'adresse et de la coopération.
- Des décors sympas, sans beaucoup de moyens mais c'est plutôt convaincant.
Les points négatifs
- Des énigmes assez classiques, cette salle est idéale pour des joueurs débutants.


2 personnes ont joué cette salle

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