The Ghost House

Escape Game - Vienne
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1 test

There are many beautiful houses in Vienna. You are traveling as a real estate agent to find a new property for your customer. Suddenly there is a rare opportunity – an old house in Vienna is provided by the city free of charge. The house has been empty for several months, the neighbors think it is cursed. Rumor has it that an entire family has disappeared there.

Of course you don't believe in this nonsense and go on a tour. But suddenly the front door closes behind you and you can't get out.

It's dark... You hear a child laughing... Something is moving...

What's happening? Are there really ghosts? Now you have to find out for yourself. You only have 60 minutes until you are trapped in this house forever. And the clock is already ticking...

Plus d'informations

Frisson / Horreur
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
12 ans

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Trier par :

Serial Escapers
511 salles testées
On a aimé
- Une déco qui fait illusion (à condition de ne pas trop regarder les plafonds et les quelques fils dénudés)
- Un enchainement clair
- Un univers cohérent
On a moins aimé
- L'énigme de maths
- Certaines éngimes pas vraiment "logiques"
- Le manque d'histoire
- Le fait qu'on ne soit pas tout le temps suivis par le MJ


2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Morzinplatz 1, 1010 Vienne

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