Bunker X

One Way Out - Turin
3,5 / 5 1 avis

Hamburg, 1940
Sensing the potential war applications of the discovery, Dr. Hertzer went astray, taking with him the blueprints for the creation of history's first Artificial Intelligence.

It was in Hamburg in 1940 that, shielded from prying eyes, he built the 'Bunker X' to deliver the prototype to the Nazi hierarchs, who were interested in acquiring the new technology that could assure them victory.

Once in the bunker, you have 60 minutes to overcome the security systems, defeat the computer and avert the threat before it is too late.

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Historique / Culturel, Science-Fiction
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447 escapes réalisés 447 escapes 429 escapes notés 429 avis 181 avis utiles salle jouée le 15 janvier 2024 joué le 15 janv. 2024
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One Way Out - Turin

5 jeux

Piazza Emanuele Filiberto 15/D, 10124 Turin


Piazza Emanuele Filiberto 15/D, 10124 Turin

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