Pirate's Prize

Freeing Canada Station - Toronto
3,7 / 5 1 avis
1 test

A friend aboard the Red Pearl has tipped you off that its captain, Silverstone, has acquired an artifact worth a hundred times its weight in gold.

To gain entry to the ship, you hatch a plan to track down Silverstone in port and insult his mother. It works. You're locked up in the Quartermaster's room and sentenced to walk the plank to your death at sunrise.

You have one hour left to locate the artifact and make your escape, or find yourself feeding the sharks.

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Trier par :

Expérience Immersive
366 salles testées
Les plus :
Jolis décors en bois. Les énigmes sont bien structurées.
Les moins :
Peu d'énigmes.
Le game master entre dans la pièce pour donner des indices. Un final un peu décevant.


Personne n'a encore joué cette salle


Freeing Canada Station - Richmond Hill

1 jeu

9625 Yonge street, L4C 5T2 Richmond Hill


9625 Yonge street, L4C 5T2 Richmond Hill

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