The Abandoned Asylum

Game Over - Rome
4,5 / 5 1 avis

Strange stories were told about the old Abandoned Asylum. They say that in the last years it was active, the doctors there made strange experiments on the patients they had in their cure. It is said that the patients that couldn't be saved were killed and their organs sold on the black market. Even after the asylum was closed some people said that it was never abandoned and that someone was still continuing on with their activity undisturbed. Obviously these were just voices that were never confirmed, or maybe no one wanted to investigate and see if voices are true... One night, attracted by the mystery surrounding the place, you decided to go have a look inside. As soon as you cross the fence and you get close to the building, something makes you lose consciousness. When you wake up you realize that you are now prisoner inside the detainment cells of the old psychiatric hospital and that you will die if you don't escape in time.

Plus d'informations

Frisson / Horreur, Virus / Asile / Hôpital
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75 escapes réalisés 75 escapes 66 escapes notés 66 avis salle jouée le 13 septembre 2021 joué le 13 sept. 2021


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Via Giuseppe Marcora 3, 00153 Rome

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