Hotel: No Vacancy

Salle fermée En visio
Mental Trap - Portland
4 / 5 1 avis

Welcome to Hotel No Vacancy, while you and your friends were out on the town you decide to explore this establishment and the door behind you locks closed. Soon you will discover this is more than just an old hotel building with a rift in time. Traveling from room to room, and floor to floor each space holds a new layer of mystery and now you just wish to find your way back out before you get trapped in time. Now we ask you to lend us your hand in stopping this warp in space, you have just one hour to travel in time and it begins now. Eventually, one clue will lead you to Escape... but Not so fast, Mental Trap offers a series of rooms within each game. You've only escaped room number one. There are still more rooms to escape... Can you get out fast enough?

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1382 escapes réalisés 1382 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 15 avril 2021 joué le 15 avr. 2021
Un espace surprenant avec un progression narrative intéressante. Une énigme un peu tordue que j'ai vraiment adorée. Dans l'ensemble une très belle experience.

Décor et son




4 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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