Midnight Game

Trap - Milan
2,5 / 5 1 avis

There's an house on sale in the neighborhood! It is really a bargain at that price and from the pictures on the ad, it looks really nice.

It belonged to an old lady who has not been seen for years and you have made an appointment with the real estate agency to view the house.

The only time available was late in the evening, so go with some friends.

You certainly could not have imagined that entering that house would have been the biggest mistake of your entire life.

Plus d'informations

Frisson / Horreur
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
16 ans

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206 escapes réalisés 206 escapes 51 escapes notés 51 avis 69 avis utiles salle jouée le 24 mars 2024 joué le 24 mars 2024
Vraiment pas top. On s’est quand même amusé mais les mécanismes ne fonctionnent pas.


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Trap - Milan

6 jeux

Via Ilarione Rancati 23, 20127 Milan


Via Ilarione Rancati 23, 20127 Milan

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