CIA Task Force

En visio
Lockbox Escape - Davie
3,5 / 5 1 avis
1 test

You wake up in a strange room. You look around and see the other members of your CIA investigative team who were recently assigned a mission to track down the infamous assassin named, “The Gamer.” He is known for toying with and disposing of those who attempt to catch him. He has never failed to carry out any of his hired assignments and is widely considered the most dangerous assassin alive. He considers his opponent's pawns that can be sacrificed in his game. The last thing you remember is going to sleep the night before. When you awaken, you are stuck in a room with your team with a timer counting down the seconds.

What does that mean? Can you figure out where you are, why you are there and a way out before the clock hits zero? Will you be the next pawn sacrificed?

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Trier par :

Serial Escapers
511 salles testées
On a aimé
- L'échange avec un Game Master dispo et très sympa
- La qualité du son et de l'image
- Des énigmes qui fonctionnent bien à distance
- Des énigmes logiques
On a moins aimé
- Une déco très sommaire
- Des énigmes plutôt classiques
- Sans vraie cohérence scénaristique

1391 escapes réalisés 1391 escapes 993 escapes notés 993 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 4 juillet 2020 joué le 4 juil. 2020


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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