20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Salle fermée En visio
Novel Escape - Austin
4,5 / 5 1 avis

You're a prisoner on a submarine, and the captain has offered you one chance to escape: find the treasure hidden deep at the bottom of the ocean.

The catch? Your air runs out in one hour.

It's a race against the clock. Do you have what it takes to scour the ocean floor, capture the treasure, and make it back to the surface before you run out of time?

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Série / Film / Roman

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1382 escapes réalisés 1382 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 9 août 2020 joué le 9 août 2020


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Novel Escape - Austin

Aucun jeu

7950 Anderson Square #108, TX 78757 Austin

+1 512-522-3889

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