The Submarine

Locked.Amsterdam - Amsterdam
3,5 / 5 1 avis
1 test

The submarine: The Russian submarine K-129 has mysteriously disappeared 20 years ago. It was last seen in the North Pacific Ocean. The vessel has a dangerous nuclear load on board and to this day has not been located. It is crucial that this submarine is found before it falls into the wrong hands.

The controversial journalist Hugo Laanen has been interested in this mystery for a long time. He has kept files with all his findings. However, it seems he has gotten cold feet now. Some even suggest he ran from the Russian secret service. His study room in the Amsterdam Houthaven is still left untouched...

This escape room starts in his abandoned office. From there you are taken to the great depths of the North Pacific Ocean. In this exciting and technically advanced escape room nothing is what it seems.

Can you solve the mystery in time?

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Enquête / Mystère
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
14 ans

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La rédaction d'EscapeGame•fr
807 salles testées
Dans The Submarine, quelques manipulations sympas se mettront en travers de votre chemin, dont trois particulièrement originales et amusantes. Deux d’entre elles, très bien intégrées à l’intrigue, ont un petit côté James Bond fort appréciable ! Il est dommage, en revanche, que toutes les énigmes ne soient pas aussi bien intégrées : on ne comprend pas toujours leur rapport avec le scénario. Ce dernier, pourtant extrêmement riche sur le papier, est finalement assez peu exploité : dans cet escape game, vous n’en apprendrez pas beaucoup plus sur le mystère qui entoure le...


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Nieuwe Hemweg 8, 1013 BG Amsterdam

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