Anno 1202

ClueGo - Zadar
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The year is 1202. The Crusaders are at the gates of Zadar. They threaten to rob and ravage the entire city. Unless you give them what they want. To spare you, the Crusaders demand to get paid in pure gold. Of all the city, only one man has enough gold to pay the Crusaders – the cheap merchant Dishislav. He has refused to help you and you have no option but to steal the gold ...

Can you break into a merchant's house and steal the gold without being caught? Are you brave enough to face all the trouble you might get into? Do you have enough skills to steal the gold and save the city? Zadar is in your hands...

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ClueGo - Zadar

2 jeux

Prolaz opatice Vekenege 4, 23000 Zadar


Prolaz opatice Vekenege 4, 23000 Zadar

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ClueGo - Zadar

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