Zombie Escape

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Ware Escape Rooms - Ware
2 / 5 1 avis

The Epidemic quickly turned into a Pandemic and killed 95% of the World Population within 28 days. The Virus caused Governments around the world, to fall and resulted in the complete collapse of Society. Electricity and Water supplies have stopped ...

The 7.3Bn who died have turned into Zombies – The Undead. They are now starving and looking for food. The 400M uninfected are their primary target. You and your team have been sent to The Royal London Hospital where a Biochemist had been working on a Vaccine that will destroy the virus and kill the undead. Upon arrival to the Hospital, you've discovered that Dr. Baldini is not there. The presumption is that he has fled, or he himself is one of the undead. Whilst in the London Hospital, a loud noise has attracted a horde of Zombies who have now surrounded the premises.

Your mission is to find the Vaccine and deliver to the World Health Organisation who will mass produce and distribute worldwide.

You are the worlds final hope...

Please Note: Subject to parental approval, under 15's can participate. For more information, please call George.

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Virus / Asile / Hôpital

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1381 escapes réalisés 1381 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 14 janvier 2021 joué le 14 janv. 2021


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Ware Escape Rooms - Ware

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Dockyard Offices & Storage Star Street, SG12 7AN Ware

+44 800 304 7473

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