Secret Project

Torrenigma - Torre del Mar
5 / 5 1 avis

You and your Special Operations team work for the 'Section 09' at the ruthless TowerNET Corporation, a company dedicated to the development of new technologies and computer engineering.
You have been summoned this morning: you have to discover what has happened in an underground computer lab owned by the TowerNET, where a secret project has just been canceled. You must re-establish the communications with the development team -including Abby Connor, an important supervisor- which was lost for a few hours ago, and ensure that everything is under control. In addition, the corporation has assigned you a series of secondary objectives that you must also try to complete during the mission itself. Failing in this important task can put your careers in jeopardy!

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Personnes à mobilité réduite
Âge minimum
12 ans

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308 escapes réalisés 308 escapes 37 escapes notés 37 avis salle jouée le 17 mai 2022 joué le 17 mai 2022


3 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Torrenigma - Torre del Mar

2 jeux

Calle Isidoro Rivas, 3, 29740 Torre del Mar


Calle Isidoro Rivas, 3, 29740 Torre del Mar

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Source Code

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