The Last Chapter

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The Mind Trap - Thessalonique
Rated 2.5 stars out of 5
2,5 / 5 1 avis

Patrick Clarke, a famous writter in Britain, is about to complete his novel series.In the chapters of the last book, he reveals the serial killer of the entire story and all the fans are excited, waiting for the release of the series epilogue.Nobody has seen the writter until now and the publishing house decided to host a competition and as a prize, the winners will visit his monumental mansion.You are the winners of the competition and the first who will meet the legendary Patrick Clarke, but also will play a game with him.If you win, he will disclose to you, the last chapter of his book. You are in the mansion, but your meeting is not even close to what you have imagined...The mansion is not so hospitable and the writter is not there to welcome you. Will you learn who the serial killer is or you will have to discover it yourself?

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Enquête / Mystère

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87 escapes réalisés 87 escapes 86 escapes notés 86 avis 18 avis utiles salle jouée le 26 octobre 2020 joué le 26 oct. 2020
Rated 2.5 stars out of 5
J'ai aimé
+ des salles et décors agréables
+ des énigmes variées

Je n'ai pas aimé
- on entendait des bruits et voix provenant des autres salles de l'enseigne :(
- pas de photo de fin de séance
- le GM n'avait pas remplacé certains éléments de jeu en grec, donc a dû nous balancer des indices pour compenser
- une intégration des certaines énigmes parfois vraiment artificielle, semblant juste être là pour justifier un mécanisme


2 personnes ont joué cette salle

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