The Collector

Game Castle - Sofia
3,7 / 5 3 avis

This is the spacious home of an influential figure from the elite of Sofia. This man collects rare and expensive items. His collection contains artifacts that are wanted by museums and collectors around the world. The secret services have received an anonymous signal that the stolen gold mask of Thracian ruler Teresa, estimated to several million dollars by archaeologists, has finally appeared at the secret auctions for art objects.

The information is that after this last auction, it has become one of the exhibits of the collector, but is under special protection. You are the squad that will have 60 minutes undercover to enter the office, find the mask and return it to the museum! Will you make it?

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Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
8 ans

Avis de la communauté

0% 0 avis - 0 commentaire
66.66666666666666% 2 avis - 1 commentaire
33.33333333333333% 1 avis - 0 commentaire
0% 0 avis - 0 commentaire
0% 0 avis - 0 commentaire

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54 escapes réalisés 54 escapes 41 escapes notés 41 avis 1 avis utile salle jouée le 13 mars 2022 joué le 13 mars 2022
La salle a répondu aux attentes d'un blockbuster comme mission impossible.
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269 escapes réalisés 269 escapes 219 escapes notés 219 avis salle jouée le 25 novembre 2018 joué le 25 nov. 2018

112 escapes réalisés 112 escapes 110 escapes notés 110 avis salle jouée le 30 septembre 2018 joué le 30 sept. 2018


19 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Game Castle - Sofia

1 jeu

бул. Симеоновско шосе, 1000 Sofia

+359 88 208 1895


бул. Симеоновско шосе, 1000 Sofia

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