The Order of Illusionists

Salle fermée En visio
Tactical Escape 101 - Rice Lake
2,5 / 5 1 avis

From the moment you wanted to become an illusionist, you have heard stories of a secret society of master magicians. No one knows who they are, who is a member or how to become one. You have finally been contacted and given instructions. You must pass a series of tests handed down to you from the best illusionists ever to live. Can you prove yourself worthy? If you do, you will forever be a member of the Order of Illusionists! Good Luck.

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Date de fermeture
Juin 2021

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1381 escapes réalisés 1381 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 26 février 2021 joué le 26 févr. 2021


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Tactical Escape 101 - Rice Lake

Aucun jeu

2900 S Main Street, WI 54868 Rice Lake

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