Cuban Crisis

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Escapology - Orlando
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Your mission is to infiltrate Fidel Castro's palace, locate the secret KGB office, and find out who was responsible for shooting down the American plane. You are standing outside Castro's palace waiting to hear that it is empty. You receive the all-clear. Castro's bodyguards and the KGB are not on the premises. However, having entered the Palace, you receive word that Castro and his bodyguards are traveling back towards the palace, and they are only 60 minutes away! You must complete your mission and escape before you are caught! Solve the clues, answer the riddles, find the critical intelligence and get out within the hour. Rely on your intuition, have confidence in your team and leave no stone unturned! Remember: Your mind is your most powerful weapon and time is of the essence! Do you have what it takes to complete your mission?

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Escapology - Orlando

2 jeux

11951 International Drive — Unit C3, FL 32821 Orlando

+1 407-278-1515

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