In orbit

One Hour Left - Munich
4 / 5 1 avis

This was the last transmission we received from the International Space Station ISS crew. The reason for the loss of communication is totally unclear until now: mutiny of the crew? Technical malfunction? Aliens?

You and your team were chosen as the best specialists in their respective fields for the "launch on need" mission.

Your goal is to check the status on board the ISS and to re-establish communcation with earth. But are you even safe aboard the space station?

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36 escapes réalisés 36 escapes 22 escapes notés 22 avis 3 avis utiles salle jouée le 14 octobre 2021 joué le 14 oct. 2021
Bonne salle, très bons mécanismes, très bon scénario, le décors est pas mal

Décor et son






1 joueur a joué cette salle


Landsberger Straße 75, 80339 Munich

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