The missing manuscript of Edgar Allen Poe

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Xscape The Room - Media
3,5 / 5 1 avis

You and your team will embark on a mysterious journey into the residence of literary mad genius, Edgar Allan Poe - master of mystery and father of the macabre. Hidden away in this eerie estate lies his last great work. You are tasked to find it, but is it worth the risk? Suspenseful fun lies around every corner as you and your team quickly become absorbed in Poe's world. Collect clues and solve mysteries as you try locate the missing manuscript and escape before it is too late.

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Enquête / Mystère

Xscape The Room - Media

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1382 escapes réalisés 1382 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 2 septembre 2020 joué le 2 sept. 2020


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