Steampunk Alice

Maze Rooms - Los Angeles
4 / 5 1 avis

Alice ate a poison mushroom and tragically died. Determined to bring her back, her father created a cyborg and worked on a time machine to swap the mushroom.

Alice's jealous stepmother sabotaged the machine, breaking time itself. Memories fractured, and the stepmother became the malevolent Queen of Hearts cyborg.

Are you willing to risk your life and embarked on a mission to fix the timeline.

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Date d'ouverture
Novembre 2023

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542 escapes réalisés 542 escapes 356 escapes notés 356 avis 36 avis utiles salle jouée le 10 mars 2024 joué le 10 mars 2024

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2 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Maze Rooms - Los Angeles

5 jeux

1182 South La Brea Ave, 90000 Los Angeles


1182 South La Brea Ave, 90000 Los Angeles

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