The Lost Island

Puzzle Room - Lisbonne
3 / 5 1 avis

At long last, Virgílio Marçal has found a clue to the whereabouts of his friend Lorenzo Lopes. In addition to the path described on the map, Lorenzo wrote a cryptic message:

"Legend has it that, many centuries ago, a treasure was stolen from the Spaniards, but all who touched their gold had a terrible fate. To avoid greater misfortune, the treasure was hidden in a Lost Island in the Atlantic, never to be found again. If you're seeing this message, it's because you found my map. I don't believe in legends, so I'm going to find this treasure, no matter what it takes... "

"So that's why Lorenzo disappeared," thought Virgílio. "No time to waste... My friend needs me more than ever!"

Without any thought to what he's leaving behind, Virgílio and is partners buy a plane ticket that will take them as close as possible to this Lost Island.
From that point on, he must sail in a sea full of dangers... If everything goes well, he'll be able to get there in less than 24 hours...

How will this adventure end?

You have 60 minutes to find out...

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1393 escapes réalisés 1393 escapes 1331 escapes notés 1331 avis 92 avis utiles salle jouée le 13 février 2020 joué le 13 févr. 2020
Un peu mieux que la 1ère de leurs rooms, car les décors sont un peu plus jolis, mais ça reste un escape très local et avec les moyens du bord. On s'y est bien amusés toutefois, et le gérant a été super-sympa avec nous, en jouant ses trois salles, il nous a reçu en VIP!

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7 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Rua do Passadiço, 142, 1150-256 Lisbonne

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