The Hurricane

En visio
Lock N Escape - Hyderabad
3 / 5 1 avis

A hurricane is approaching and you are stranded on a beach. The winds are getting stronger and you have to find a safe place. Solve clues and puzzles to access the shelter. You can't avoid the catastrophe but you can only hide away from it. You have 60 minutes before the hurricane hits you.

Your mission is to find clues and solve puzzles to get into a cabin at the beach where the winds are getting stronger as the hurricane is approaching and find a shelter inside the cabin to hide from this catastrophic hurricane.

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1382 escapes réalisés 1382 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 7 avril 2021 joué le 7 avr. 2021


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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