The Black Forest

Imagina - Gérone
4 / 5 1 avis

We rely so much on our sight, it is almost entirely how we interpret the world around us; we are incredibly dependent on our eyes. But what is it like without them? What would a world of darkness be like?

Discover the Black Forest... Can you imagine living an escape room completely different to any you have ever done before? Can you imagine living an immersive and sensory experience where you must guide yourself with your other senses?

The Black Forest has been trapped in an eternal night, where not even the starlight can penetrate the dense forest canopy. The animals that live there need you, can you help them return to the light of day?

60 minutes during which you will rediscover smell, sound, taste and touch... An adventure in the jungle that you will never forget!

Are you the chosen ones?

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Âge minimum
10 ans

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48 escapes réalisés 48 escapes 45 escapes notés 45 avis 3 avis utiles salle jouée le 4 janvier 2020 joué le 4 janv. 2020


4 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Carrer de la Creu, 6, 17001 Gérone

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