The Last Experiment

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Escapade Games - Fullerton
3,5 / 5 1 avis

Professor Josef Grobel has immersed himself so deeply in studies of paranormal phenomena and psionic energy accumulation that scientific world declared the professor insane and turned away from him. Meanwhile, the professor and his like-minded assistant Robert are on the verge of making a revolutionary discovery. However, they are missing one final thing - YOU or, to be more exact, the extraordinary power that you possess...

What stands behind the experiment? Does the professor realise the kind of consequences it can lead to? You have a chance to find all the answers but time is ticking away...

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1381 escapes réalisés 1381 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 29 août 2020 joué le 29 août 2020


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