The Enchanted Forest

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Isolvu - Evanston
4 / 5 1 avis

You have stepped through a portal and landed in an enchanted forest. However, the portal quickly closed behind you and you feel trapped in an unfamiliar place. A storm is brewing and the enchanted forest feels like a dark presence has fallen over it.

This seems to be a wizard's hut. Is he good? Is he evil?

What can you learn to help you return home and save the forest? Will you have enough time?

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Isolvu - Evanston

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1367 escapes réalisés 1367 escapes 1001 escapes notés 1001 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 14 avril 2021 joué le 14 avr. 2021


4 personnes ont joué cette salle

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