Welcome to the Jungle

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Escape Emporium - Edmonton
3 / 5 1 avis

Welcome to the Jungle! Hearing the mysterious sound of drums, you and your friends decide to find out what it is? Without realizing it, you are dragged into a strange surreal survive the jungle game. You hear strange sounds from different directions and mysterious animals start to appear. Your survival and your future depends on your actions. With each roll of the dice and each step your game piece takes a new challenge awaits you! To win the game, escape and return to the real world one of the game pieces must reach the end. Are you ready for the adventure? Can you survive and escape the game in 55 minutes or will you be trapped in the jungle for ever?

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1388 escapes réalisés 1388 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 7 mai 2021 joué le 7 mai 2021


4 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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