Hostel Ignez

Brain Maze - Coimbra
3,5 / 5 1 avis

You and your friends have just arrived to town. The rain is falling heavily and you finally find a hostel.

During the night, noise prevents you from sleeping, so you leave your rooms to wander around. You notice light coming from a door left ajar and go inside...

In this room everything relates to Inês de Castro. Curiosity leads you to open a cupboard, but what you see inside gives you a bad feeling. You realize you should never have been there. However, the door had closed behind you and you are now trapped inside.

There is nothing you can do other than try to open the other doors in the room, in the hope to escape...

Will you find a way out? Or will it take you even further into the legend?

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260 escapes réalisés 260 escapes 212 escapes notés 212 avis 4 avis utiles salle jouée le 12 avril 2022 joué le 12 avr. 2022

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Brain Maze - Coimbra

2 jeux

Rua Ferreira Borges, 103, 3º, 3000-180 Coimbra

+351 926 763 116


Rua Ferreira Borges, 103, 3º, 3000-180 Coimbra

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