CSI: Fatal Investigation

En visio
Puzzle Room - Chapecó
3 / 5 1 avis

Norman Sanders was an Interpol agent who came to Brazil to investigate a series of crimes. In his search, Sanders was one step closer to unraveling the killer's identity. However, he got too close and ended up becoming the last victim! Sanders' death is unsolved and the local police are about to close the case. You, remote agents, were called to assist the local agent Souza and together you will have only 60 minutes to unravel the mystery, finding the killer's name to escape!

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Enquête / Mystère
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1387 escapes réalisés 1387 escapes 991 escapes notés 991 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 17 mars 2021 joué le 17 mars 2021


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Puzzle Room - Chapecó

2 jeux

Av. Nereu Ramos 970e Salas 7 e 11 - Centro, 89801-106 Chapecó

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