Sky Heist

Locked Room / ARoom - Budapest
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The day has finally arrived! The largest airship ever built takes its last voyage. The passenger list is made up of the most

In AROOM's latest game, you can now take on the role of robber masters. Get the Maharajah's priceless treasure! The setting is the interior of a beautiful airship. Proceed from the storage, through the cabins, all the way to the cockpit, where the chest full of precious gems are located. The passengers are all taking part in the celebratory dinner, so hopefully no one will disturb you. The nearby storm will also help mask the sound of your footsteps. If you have obtained the treasure, unlock the emergency exit and head back to the storage room, because from there the ladder leads down to the small airplane attached to the bottom of the airship, which you can escape with.

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Âge minimum
12 ans

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5 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Király utca 14, 1061 Budapest

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