Fast & Furious: The Garage

Breakout - Bucarest
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Manhattan, New York. Letty has been kidnapped by a mercenary named Shadow, seeking revenge, and Dominic and Brian need to get her back.
The only way in which Shadow will release Letty is if Dom and the gang manage a series of heists in the most heavily guarded banks in New York. They are faced with an impossible situation and must cover their robberies under the guise of an illegal street car race.
You and your team are part of Dom's crew and you need to fix one of the damaged cars before the race, steal 3 other super-cars from an Upper East Side parking lot and make it to the race to execute the heists.
Do you think you can do this until the night ends?

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Série / Film / Roman
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Breakout - Bucarest

2 jeux

18 General Nicolae C. Dona Street, 010782 Bucarest


18 General Nicolae C. Dona Street, 010782 Bucarest

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