The Tale of the Heartless Pirate

Dream Labs - Bad Steben
5 / 5 1 avis

Davy Jones? Dead. Jack Sparrow? Out of the window. Barbossa? Wiped out.
Even the toughest pirates just sit at home and howl quietly: For the cruel spirit of the heartless pirate is wreaking its murderous havoc! The Caribbean is no longer the free pirate playground it once was.

But these threatening circumstances won't stop you from embarking on the greatest treasure hunt of your life! As amateur buccaneers, you incompetent landlubbers enter a chaotic world full of humour and danger - and brave your way through the once bustling pirate hotspots and the dense jungle of Isla Bonita.

Will you manage to find the glorious treasure before the ghost of the heartless pirate snatches you up?

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Top Rooms #6 (TERPECA)

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378 escapes réalisés 378 escapes 105 escapes notés 105 avis salle jouée le 31 mai 2024 joué le 31 mai 2024

Décor et son





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Wenzstraße 1A, 95138 Bad Steben

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