De Illusionist

De Kraakfabriek - Anvers
3 / 5 1 avis

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen! Rise! This is the grandest show in history of the illustrous Antoon -Hyperion- Ackerman!"

This is the way Antoon -a selfdeclared master Illusionist- announced his grandest and final last show ever.

Antoon was grown and raised in Antwerp and got inspired by the world of tricks and illusions as a boy. The young Antoon wasn't shy, he seized every opportunity to astonish his friends and family.

After reaching adulthood he travelled to world searching for succes, acknowledgement and appreciation as 'The Great Hyperion'.

His very last show is something special... He has passed away, and he left something very special behind: His final show. The show was made to awe the audience into eternity, full of masterful trics and illusions... But not everything is what it seems, are you ready to take up the challenge?

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33 escapes réalisés 33 escapes 30 escapes notés 30 avis salle jouée le 16 juin 2021 joué le 16 juin 2021


7 joueurs ont joué cette salle


Tavernierkaai 5, 2000 Anvers

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