Casino Mortale

Salle fermée En visio
Sky High Escape - Almere
4 / 5 1 avis

Your team will only have one goal in mind during the 60 minutes you're locked up: solve the puzzles and escape before Jack Berghe, the new manager of Casino Mortale, returns. If you're smarter than the big-money players, you'll be able to escape from Casino Mortale. The power struggle begins as soon as you book the escape room and it won't stop until you've successfully escaped. A few days before your arrival, one of the characters will contact you!

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1381 escapes réalisés 1381 escapes 990 escapes notés 990 avis 14 avis utiles salle jouée le 22 mai 2020 joué le 22 mai 2020


6 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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